19 miles from Yacht haven
The best anchorage in this group is found in the channel between Koh Raya Ring and Koh Daeng Yai. This is an exceptionally beautiful place to awaken in the morning, when sunlight strikes the sheer rock cliffs of Daeng Yai.
The anchorage can be approached either from the south, via the channel formed by Koh Yang and Koh Daeng Yai, or from the southeast, passing east of Koh Yang, distinctive due its high, thin column of rock, visible from far south.
There is a convenient transit approaching from the southeast, lining up Koh Lolo and Koh Khai to avoid the sand bars.
Good holding is available on a muddy bottom in 5-8 metres. The sandbank east of the anchorage is very shallow and almost dries at low tide. There is a current of up to 2 knots in the channel, strongest at ebb tide.
The lagoon on the north side of Koh Phing Kan can be entered by dinghy at high tide; otherwise access is possible by dinghy at most tides via the jetty on the southwest side.