540 miles from Sorong, Indonesia
There are three approaches into Malakal port, two from the east and one from the west. Ships and deep draft vessels must use the western approach. Start at 7°32.540N, 134°27.642E and follow the leads down through the hook-shaped channel into ‘The Pincers’, then up onto the commercial dock.
Of the two natural channels through the east reefs we recommend the less tricky southern Malakal channel over the Ngel channel further north, which is tighter and shallower. Start at 7°16.825N, 134°27.956E mid channel near the red steel cylindrical pillar marking the port side of the reef. Pick your way in on the well-marked narrow channel during daytime hours with a good foredeck lookout.
The check-in facilities are all located at the main commercial dock, where you’ll need plenty of fenders to safely come alongside. Give Malakal Port Authority a call on VHF Ch.16 during office hours and they will take your lines and assist you.
Once you’ve been processed at the dock we recommend three choices to anchor nearby. Directly east of the dock near the coast in 10-15 metres at 7°19.501N, 134°28.212E, west of the South Malakal reef markers at 7°19.759N, 134°26.900E in 20-30 metres or at the main yacht harbour off the Royal Belau Sam’s Tours dock.