1 mile from Ao Nang, Krabi
Anchorage is in 4-5 metres on sand in the centre of the bay. This bay has spectacular stacks of rock forming headlands to the north and south.
In the shade of the coconut palms fringing the beach, restaurants and bungalows tend to be frequented by educated budget travellers, contributing to the easygoing ambiance. Some comfortable private houses are set back from the north end of the beach, for rent on a daily basis.
A reef, easily seen in the clear waters and a magnet for snorkellers, extends into the bay at the southern end of the beach. Walk along the headland at low tide, and find several caves, fissures and spectacular overhangs. Going to the right on the beach, there are longtail boats for hire; there is no road access to this area due to the enclosing rock walls.