SEAP Southeast Asia Pilot-1

Sample eBook

Download the sample eBook at the link below:


The actual eBook uses a special secure reader that incorporates DRM protections. This sample uses a standard Adobe pdf  reader. The experience, while fundamentally the same, does have slight differences in how the controls work. The eBook content itself is identical.

1. Open the sample eBook in Adobe pdf reader on a PC or Mac. Set ‘View/Page Display’ to ‘Two-Up Continuous’.

2. Open the ‘Bookmark’ navigation. Browse around the book using these bookmarks.

3. Alternatively, navigate to the CONTENTS page and click on the live links there.

4. Navigate to ‘Alphabetical Index and try the individual anchorage links. In the sample, the items underlined in red are live; in the real eBook, every anchorage link is live.

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While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is accurate, the charts of anchorages are based on personal experience and satellite imagery and are intended as a guide only. They should not be used for navigation. Please refer to Official Hydrographic Charts of the respective countries.

The copyright holders of all content, in print and digital editions, are: Published book © Phuket Publicity Services Ltd. Part. / Texts © Bill O’Leary, Andy Dowden & Grenville Fordham / Design, layout & charts © Grenville Fordham / Photography: © as indicated in photo credits. All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the express permission of the publisher, Phuket Publicity Services Limited Partnership, and the other copyright owners.

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